Friday, June 26, 2009

Darla turns 6

This is about a week overdue, but Darla celebrated her 6th birthday last week. We took her to Six Flags the day of her birthday. She woke up that morning and opened presents. Two boxes of clothes - she was NOT impressed. But then she got her pink ipod! She was so excited.

Taylor, Jodi and Frank met us out at Six Flags. Right when it opened we headed for the Shock Wave. Darla did NOT want to ride it but we talked her into it. Jodi wasn't there yet, so we were the only 3 people on the ride. Brent rode in the first car and Darla & I were right behind him. When we finished, there still weren't any people waiting so the guy was going to let us ride again but Darla said NO WAY! She rode the Judge Roy Scream, Mini Mine Train, Runaway Mine Train, Bobsled, Conquistador, but her favorite was the Yosemite Same thing.

For her party, we celebrated at Bounce U which was fun for me because I didn't have to clean the house. Memaw brought Bo to the end of the party and he loved the bounce houses so much!! Darla got a bunch of good stuff - Webkinz, gift cards, itunes cards, a Sony ipod holder/radio for her room and $50 cash from Memaw. She specifically asked for money so she could sign up for her deluxe Webkinz membership online!

Darla - we are so, so proud of you honey. You are incredibly smart, you have the kindest heart and a great sense of humor. You are an amazing big sister and we love you so much. XOXO
Tonight Brent is at the lake and Darla is at Nanaw's, so Bo and I got to hang out. He has really started talking in the last couple of weeks. He started at Whistle Stop about a month ago and while he still cries when I drop him off, I think he's starting to like it. His teacher, Becky, is really patient and spends a lot of time with him. He says her name so cute but it sounds a lot like "Blankie" so I'm sure Bo thinks his teacher's name is Blankie.

We've been swimming a few times this summer and he loves the pool. He loves it so much that he has no fear about going in and usually will just walk right off into the pool. He even wears his lifejacket in our backyard while he's playing!

Darla was pretty funny on Wednesday. She stayed home with her daddy instead of going to Whistle Stop. She usually dumps most of her stuffed animals out on the floor in her room and it makes me crazy to go in there and see 500 animals everywhere. When I got home from work on Wednesday I asked her "how do you think I'm going to feel when I go in your room?" She looked at me with the funniest expression and said "I think your going to feel great. I didn't get any of my animals out today." The way she said it was so cute and so matter of fact.