Thursday, April 23, 2009

A new word

Bo learned a new word today - this morning when I went in Bo's room to get him up, he pointed at a book in his bed and said "book". He's got lots of toys in his bed and usually will play with them for awhile before he starts screaming to get out of his crib in the morning. I love watching him on the baby monitor. This morning it sounded like he was singing because he kept making his voice go up and down, up and down. He can also say his name which is sooo cute!

Darla had her first spill on Saturday. We were at Brown & Kelli's and she fell off the trampoline. It was a pretty bad fall but luckily she just sprained her elbow and scared herself half to death. Aunt Renay was so sweet - she laid on the trampoline with Darla later that night and they looked up at the stars. Darla actually wrote about it for homework this week. The story went something like "Saturday I was at my Uncle Brown & Aunt Kelli's house. Aunt Renay and I laid on the trampoline to look in the night sky at the plethora of stars." Yes, she used the word plethora. She said it was a buzz word at school.

One more funny story about Darla Punkin...the other night I went in her room around 9:15. She's supposed to be asleep at 9 so when she saw me coming down the hall she tried to act like she was asleep. When I went in there she kind of "woke up" out of her fake sleep and said "oh, my left eye was closed and asleep...I'm just waiting on the other one".

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