Friday, October 24, 2008

Happy Birthday Bo

I know I'm behind on posts, but I had to write one tonight on Bo's very first birthday. I can't believe my baby is already one. This year has flown by. A new little bottom tooth poked through this week, and he's taking small steps but not walking yet. We can't take our eyes off of him for even a second or he's hanging out the dog door, playing in Mugsy's water bowl or getting into something he shouldn't. He really likes books, especially the Barney Halloween book which now looks like a newspaper because it's in so many pieces. He also likes taking things in & out of sacks, boxes or anything else. Yesterday, I was cleaning out his closet and he just played with a pile of plastic coat hangers & a diaper box for 30 minutes. It was really cute. He holds his bottle by wrapping his left hand around it - not sure if that means he'll be left-handed or not.He is such a sweet boy and usually in a really good. Bo, we love you more than you can imagine...I am so happy we have you! These pictures were taken today - the one in the baby bed was first thing this morning when we woke him up singing Happy Birthday. He couldn't even get his eyes open all the way but he was smiling at Darla.

1 comment:

aichiba said...

Happy Birthday Bo! Love, Your Girlfriend Mia