Monday, September 29, 2008

1st place

Miller and I have good news to report - we got 1st at the rodeo this weekend!!! This picture is actually an old one from this summer, but it's all I had so I thought it would work. Mom went with me and we had a great night hanging out.

I had to make an entry about the historic day we had today since I hope to make this blog into a scrapbook. Today the government failed to pass a $700 Billion Bailout Plan and the dow fell a record $778 points in one day...the biggest drop in US History. If you listen to the news, we are headed into a very dangerous economic situation and it's pretty scary. I choose to believe that this is out of my hands and it will work itself out somehow.
As I was getting Bo dressed after his bath tonight, he was playing in his bed and I went over and started tickling him. He laughed sooo hard and it was the sweetest sound in the world. I needed to hear it...with all the doom & gloom in the news, when you see your kids laugh and know they are happy & healthy, everything else seems pretty trivial.

1 comment:

Andy Boyd said...

Congrats on the win! you are so right, those kids can make all the doom and gloom seem so minor...